Establishing a Global Liaison Unit for outreach to international students
UC Davis Police establish Global Liaison Unit
The UC Davis Police department Global Liaison Unit (GLU) was established as the department’s response to the community’s request for targeted information for and attention to our international students and those groups who feel underrepresented in our community. Additionally, the program is a practical response to the campus motto "One World, One UC Davis" and is one of the many contributions the police department is striving to make in an effort to support and confirm the community’s conviction that at UC Davis, we are changing our world for the better.
There are many ways the UC Davis Police Department can support our international and unrepresented communities and below are just a few of the changes and/or additions we have incorporated into our services, to better serve all of our campus community members:
- Implemented community based recruitment panels
- Implemented quarterly Police Chief / Student Advisory Committee Meetings
- Established one of a kind department Cadet Program
- Continue to a Police Community Academy
- Offer a Volunteers in Police Service Program (VIPS)
- Created /implemented the police accountability board (PAB)
- Created the Preferred Names Policy
- Crafted open letter of support for the campus AB540 Program
- Creation of the Safe Ride Program
- Creation of the Global Liaison Unit (GLU)
AB540 & Undocumented Students

The Global Liaison Unit is proud to be a designated brave space and partner with the AB540 Center.
"The UC Davis Police Department is here to serve and protect everyone."
In the future, the UC Davis Police Department's GLU looks forward to:
- Continue to meet, engage with and foster partnerships with campus international staff
- Continued participation in cultural sensitivity trainings, workshops and informational events
- Continual creation of informational flyers, brochures, pamphlets and other marketing and information items aimed at advising the international student to university law enforcement practices
- Sister partnerships and cooperation between UC Davis and global law enforcement agencies are being identified and established; and staff look eagerly towards 2016 for the program to be fully functioning and serving the UC Davis community in excellence.
Worldcue® Mobile TRAVELER
iJET’s Worldcue® Mobile TRAVELER, provides mission-critical intelligence and assistance to employees pre-trip, on location and in an emergency, advancing your Travel Risk Management (TRM) program.
The UC Davis Police Department recommends the use of the Worldcue® Mobile TRAVELER app for enhanced personal safety and security when you travel!
International Student Life
“Building Lifelong Connections”
Check out Shenyu “Thomas” Xu & Naoto “John” Tanaka UCD experience through the Services for International Students and Scholars' Global Ambassadors Mentorship Program!
Contact Information
Deborah Hammond, Executive Coordinator
530-752-0176 Fax
For more information on safe bicycle riding, see our Safe Cycling Brochure.
For the Know Your Rights booklet, now available in multiple languages, see our Know Your Rights page.