May 2024: Attempted Robbery

CLERY NOTICE | Case #: C24-0754 | Date: 05/26/2024


CLERY notices are released by the UC Davis Police Department when certain crimes are reported on or near campus property, in compliance with federal law. These notifications provide information about campus safety situations and allow campus community members to take precautions for personal safety. If you would like to learn more about why these alerts are sent to you by the UC Davis Police Department, please visit the CLERY website at


N Quad between A Street and E Quad – 211 PC (Attempted Robbery)


On 05/26/24 at approximately 00:20 AM, the victims were walking eastbound on 3rd Street at B Street in the City of Davis towards UC Davis. A group of 4-5 suspects called out verbal harassment towards the victims from inside a small red SUV or Camaro. The vehicle sped away north on B Street and the victims continued onto campus. Once on campus they were approached from the east on foot by the same suspects seen in the vehicle. One or more suspects yelled out to the victims to “drop your stuff!” Two victims fled on foot and were uninjured, the third was assaulted via several punches to the head and abdomen by the male suspects in the group before they fled north on A Street into the City of Davis. There were no weapons seen or threatened during the assault.

SUSPECTS:  4-5 subjects 16-25 years old wearing hoodies and face masks. 1 described by voice as possibly female. 1 suspect, recognized as the driver, described as a black male, 17-20 years old, approx.. 5’8 and thin, clean shaven, wearing a black balaclava style mask pulled down to expose his face, wearing a black beanie, red hoodie, and dark sweatpants. 

This crime is currently unsolved, and an investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information about this or similar incidents should call UCDPD at 530-754-COPS (2677). Updates regarding this incident, when and if available, will be posted on the UCDPD website at


  • Always be alert to your surroundings and situations that may make you vulnerable to crime, especially in darkness. 
  • Avoid people and situations that make you nervous – Trust Your Instincts!
  • Stay in well-lit areas as much as possible. 
  • Try not to travel alone. Try to vary your routes to and from work or school.
  • Walk confidently and at a steady pace, making eye contact with people when walking.
  • Use UC Davis Police Safe Rides after-hours on campus by calling 530-754-COPS or download the free TransLoc App to your smartphone device.
  • If you ever feel you or others are in danger, call 911.


If you would like further information about UC Davis Police Department resources, please feel free to visit our website at


Sergeant Christopher Boothe #1015

UC Davis Police Department

Primary Category