Traffic Grant Supports Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety
The University of California, Davis, Police Department has received a $71,250 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety to fund activities emphasizing bicyclist and pedestrian safety.
“Bicycling is the top mode of transport on the UC Davis campus. This grant will help us make getting around safer for everyone,” police Lt. Joanne Zekany said.
Barbara Rooney, director of the Office of Traffic Safety, said:
“Every bicyclist and pedestrian should feel safe on the road. Education is one of many important tools that collectively work to make sure everyone, regardless of how they travel, reaches their destination safely.”
The grant will enable the Police Department to provide training focused on bicycle and pedestrian safety, including distributing helmets with the goal of increasing the use of safety equipment. Grant funds will also supplement existing bicycle programs on campus.
The grant program will run through September.
Funding comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distributed by the state Office of Traffic Safety.
Last fall UC Davis established two working groups, drawing on experience and expertise from across the campus, to address micromobility safety on campus. One group is focused on safety education and outreach, and the other on possible infrastructure improvements to enhance safety.