Self-defense classes to start up this summer
The UC Davis Police Department is sponsoring self-defense classes beginning this summer. Taking two full days on consecutive Saturdays, the class is intended to build physical skills, muscle memory and self-confidence. The classes are geared towards women but registration will be open to all students, faculty and staff. Group sizes will be small, about 10 students to three instructors. No previous experience in martial arts is required.
Dates for the classes have not yet been set and will be determined based on demand, said Cpl. Mikio McCulloch, who is organizing the class and acts as one of the instructors. The class was briefly held before the pandemic and has been held with organized campus groups, such as sororities, he said.
The class is based on the Model Mugging program established in 1971, which emphasizes personal safety, realistic techniques and overcoming fears of assault. The UC Davis instructors, McCulloch and police officers Jenny Choc and Tabbasum Malik, were trained and certified by the national program.
“People who have taken this training have said it has changed their lives, by building confidence and helping survivors with recovery,” McCulloch said.
The Police Department is subsidizing the cost of the class, which usually runs to over $500. There may be a nominal fee for registration.
For more information and to be added to the waitlist: Contact Mikio McCulloch by email.
This article originally appeared on UC Davis News.