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From the Chief: Fraud and Scams Targeting Students

Message from the Chief: Fraud and Scams Targeting Students

I wanted to share this sad story with our campus community. I feel terrible that things like this happen to our community members and my hope is that by sharing it with you, we can help prevent future occurrences.  The other day I overheard one of my officers speaking to a first year student who was victimized by an elaborate scheme.  I later learned that this was the second such report in two days. 

Please take a look and share it with your friends and colleagues.  I have also reprinted some safety tips that address this incident as well as other common fraudulent schemes.  As always,  please contact us if you ever have any questions and especially if you suspect you are being exposed to a fraudulent scheme.   

Recently, several students on campus have become the victims of some elaborate schemes involving fictitious job employment opportunities.   Our unsuspecting students are contacted via email and informed that they have been selected for a job.  The students are then told that they are being officially hired and are sent some type of advanced payment.  However, prior to the checks arrival, the students are recontacted and advised that the check they have been issued was made out at double the starting rate in error.  To correct the inaccuracy, students are instructed to deposit the check into their own bank account but to wire back the over payment to an account number which the schemers  provided.  Several days later, the students are advised by their banks that the check they deposited has not cleared and has been returned.  Thus, our students are out the money they have wired to the schemers.    

I can see how our community is becoming affected by this. When students are actively looking for jobs and put their name out onto the web with their credentials, it is logical to get excited over an offer like such. Emotions are high when offered large sums of money, and it is easy to jump to conclusions to accept the offer.  I hope that this story offers you all some insight on how to avoid a situation like this. If you suspect that you are the target of a scheme like this, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at the police department or contact a residential advisor, a friend, or the Internship and Career Center for advice. Together we can make the campus a safer place for all of us. Be safe out there Aggies. 

Here are some Fraud Prevention Tips from the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigations:

Fraud and Scams Targeting College Students IAFCI

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