UC Davis Police Tiered Response Model

Tiered Responses to Calls for Police Assistance

The UC Davis Police Department and its partners seek to match each call for service to an appropriate level of response, including support related to emergencies, crises, law enforcement, safety, security, response to incidents of bias/hate, wellness checks, basic needs, mental health and other types of support.

What happens when you call the UC Davis Police Department

  • If an emergency, call 911—if you're on the UC Davis campus, this will go to the UC Davis Police Department dispatchers. 
    • Emergencies are situations that require immediate assistance to protect life of property, whether from police, fire or medical responders. 
  • If not an emergency, call 530-752-1727 any time for the UC Davis Police Department dispatcher assistance. 


Types of Responders 

  • Uniformed Police Officers
  • Sworn police officers wear protective equipment and drive distinctly marked white UC Davis Police Department Vehicles. Available 24/7. 
  • CORE Officers 
  • Sworn police officers provide consultation, education and support as part of UC Davis community policing efforts. CORE Officers wear polo shirts with their UC Davis Police affiliation, and their police protective equipment is generally not visible. They travel by plain vehicle or on foot, sometimes with a K-9 companion. CORE Officers are generally available 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. and later as events/needs dictate. 

    More information about CORE officers can be found here
  • Campus Safety Specialists 
  • Staff members who address safety issues that don’t require the presence of a sworn officer (Uniformed Police Officer or Core Officer) and also provide support to officers when needed. This includes responding to calls for after-the-fact incidents, taking reports, diverting traffic, patrolling specified areas, and community engagement. They wear Campus Safety Specialist shirts and navy pants. They drive white vehicles with UC Davis "Campus Safety" notation on the doors. Campus Safety Specialists are available on the Davis campus with the UC Davis Police Department, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.  
  • Protective Service Specialists 
  • Protective Service Specialists are full-time, non-sworn, and unarmed individuals who serve as security professionals across the entirety of the UC Davis Campus as well as select other UC Davis owned or operated properties. Protective Service Specialists can be easily identified by their security uniforms, departmental equipment, and UC Davis Security marked vehicles.

    The Protective Service Specialist (PSS) program operates 24/7 and aims to prevent crime, improve safety, and to provide excellent customer service throughout the UC Davis campus. These goals are met by conducting security patrols, providing access control, securing UC Davis buildings and properties, identifying security deficiencies, and reporting all issues and suspicious activity to the UC Davis Police Department.

    Protective Service Specialists also assist with traffic control, crowd management, and general security for events and activities, as needed.

    More information about Protective Service Specialists can be found here

  • Physical Systems Security Staff Members
  • Civilian staff members whose focus is campus safety and crime prevention through the use of cameras, videos, card access and other infrastructure. Physical Systems Security staff members with the UC Davis Police Department are generally available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. 

    More information about Physical Systems Security can be found here

  • Firefighter/EMTs
  • Campus firefighters wear logoed uniforms and drive distinctly marked, red UC Davis Fire Department vehicles. They are all-hazard responders for many emergency types including fires, medical needs, hazardous materials incidents and technical rescues. During medical emergencies, campus firefighter/EMTs provide rapid care until an ambulance arrives. They are available 24/7.
  • Student Firefighters and Student EMTs 
  • Students trained and employed by the UC Davis Fire Department work alongside campus firefighter/EMTs. They wear logoed uniforms and drive distinctly marked, red UC Davis Fire Department vehicles. In addition to their emergency responsibilities, they also provide medical standby services at campus events, provide community outreach, teach CPR and other medical response certification courses, and assist in the delivery of fire department programs and services.
  • Aggie Hosts
  • Student security employees who respond to calls for Safe Rides with the UC Davis Police Department. For event security and surveillance, they primarily assist, observe and report matters to police dispatchers. Aggie Host Security Officers wear distinguishable tan and navy uniforms that read “Student Security” and are equipped with portable radios that provide a direct link to the UC Davis 911 Emergency Dispatch Center. Aggie Host vehicle are labeled as either Safe Ride or Aggie Host Security.

    More information about Aggie Hosts can be found here
  • Health 34 Allied Health Paramedics and EMTs 
  • The Health 34 initiative, led by the UC Davis Fire Department, will deliver non-emergent response including mental/behavioral health support and minor medical care to anyone on the UC Davis campus. A new 10-digit phone number will be available to connect callers directly with a care team comprised of allied health paramedics, EMTs and students from the School of Medicine and Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing on clinical rotations. Team members intervene in advance of a crisis and foster wellness, assist with acute health issues and deliver service navigation to community members, wherever they are on campus. They wear logoed medical scrubs and drive a distinctly marked, red UC Davis Fire Department vehicle. The team will respond to Health 34 calls on a 24/7 basis.

    More information about Health 34 can be found here